Monday, September 23, 2013

Session 4

Nah, I ain't got much time, but I reckon I can record most a the recent days.

We were at Rayden's big ole' mansion. Ipmerk wenting huntin' with Rayden's grandpappy while his grandmammy was prayin' her heart away. I didn't see nothin' happen with tha prayin' but that huntin' got us some tasty birds they were callin' "kwayle." His grandpappy suggested there were some mines we could go n' clear out if we were fixin' on d'venturin' some more, but he also said that we could head south to where some pirates be and that he knew there was work down there.

Ipmerk n' a few others din't want to be underground more, but I din't wanna be on the ocean none. I 'splained to all of them that there's three rules for travelin' by sea:
1. You don't travel if there's red sun in the morning
2. You don't travel if ennyone's missin' their big toe nail
3. You don't travel if your ears are clogged tha mornin' of travel
After some discussion, I decided to akwiesk to the desires o' these fine folks, but made it real clear I ain't travelin' under none o' the above conditions. Them's just rules I heard from travelers I met back in Suldra, and I reckon I ain't one for testin' that theory.

Rayden's grandfolks fixed us  up with a nice cart n' wagon situation, just out o' the richness o' their household n' hearts. S'pose if I had that many things I'd just be handin' stuff out m'self as well. Broderick, the lil kid who works in the stables, came to see us out. He gave Zuzmo a bag o' bugs for Tourniquet, and I told that boy to keep his chin up. I reckon he'll turn into a proper man.

Travelin' was mostly safe, I spent the evenin's workin' on potions for our lil band. Seein' as how we don't have a proper holy man, I jez mostly made lots o' potions o' healin.

One evenin' durin' watch, Zuzmo jez up n' passes out. I wake him up, n' I hear some sounds from our cart. Two little albino buggers  come poppin' out and I start hootin' and hollerin' for our band to get up. The little feller tore off into the swamp without any difficulty, but we caught the bigger 'un pretty quickly. Only Zuzmo could speak to 'im, and he was a disresspecful lil bugger, lyin' bout what happened straight to our faces.

Seertha din't like that much and stuck her spear through the feller's throat. That sparked a big ole' discussion amongst Zuzmo, Rayden, Mr. Clount, and m'self. Ipmerk and Seertha more or less disregarded the moral conundrum we were discussin' for some fair time. See, where I come from, if someone steals yer tribe's goats, that there is an invitation for attack. Sometimes, tribes even execute thieves in their own group as a mean o' 'pologizing and avoidin' war. Now, I agree the nature of the feller's death was a bit unsubstantiated an' we didn't give it much chance to figure out things. Mr. Clount also wasn't feelin' too ill bout the situation as he feels that it's important to send a message out to the world that it ain't alright to take from us and then lie to us when we catch you fair n' square.

Zuzmo n' Rayden were none too happy bout it though. I tried figurin' out what they woulda preferred doin', but they weren't really puttin' a firm foot down on how ta go 'bout it. I think it kinda goes without sayin' that we just won't be lettin' Seertha near prisoners anytime in the future.

Next mornin' I look n' our party stash, n' that little bugger managed to make off with 300 of our 380 gold, right under ma nose! We track'd them lil buggers and found a big ole' ruin risin' up outta the swamp. We went in through some rubble on the side and saw some more o' the lil bastards, with their white, albino skin and their pointy razor sharp teeth. These fellers were just as disrespecful to Zuzmo as the other bugger. Zuzmo made his best case o' just gettin' our goods back - but then they draw on us. Now to make clear 'gain, they draw on us first. So we chopped most of em' and their lil muck dwellers into bits. I took a big ole' bite out o' one of em muck dwellers an' I gotta say, they ain't taste so bad!

We delved into them big ole' ruins, and headed down into the basement. Whole place is a structural disaster, if ye askin me, and I've lived in tents mah whole life! The swamp was just pouring inta the basement rooms, but I reckon maybe it was by intentions o' sorts as there were a bunch o fish-headed statues downstairs. Also some sorta metal pipe stickin' outta the ground that went far down.

Continuin' on we found some more o' the albinos with them teeth, includin' the tiny feller who made off with our goods! They jumped ta attack us immediately, so we din't have to deal with the motions o' askin' 'em kindly for our goods back. The lil feller jes' up and projectile vomits on me! Good thing I was fleet o' foot. We pummeled em pretty good, tryna stabilize the ones who din't die too hard, and found our gold. We reckoned that we weren't much interested in slaughterin' a bunch o' these creepy fellers, so we left.

We'll jes' have to keep a better eye on our things from now on. Alright. G'night.


  1. Glauko's vocabulary is improving!

    1. Vocabulary aint much the problem, its jes' where Glauko is from, not many folks write much, so he has to spell phoentic'ly.
