Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Session 3

I wodn't all that tired the next day, as all that alchemy really gets mah blood boil'n. We investigated tha rest o' the mausoleum. First, we found a storeroom that had some o' them livin' dead folks. We put 'em down proper quick. We followed a set o' windin' stairs up near that crazy alchemist's lab, and as it turns out, it leads to a secret exit that goes straight into the burial chambers ahead. Later, we found out them priests didn't know nothing about it, but somehow this alchemist feller shur did.

'Cross the way from his lab, we found a bedroom ' sorts. A dead lady was sittin' on the bed and two skeletons in a butler suit n' a bridal gown were tendin' to her. We was fixin' to just smash em all to pieces, but she opened' her mouth and said some partially sane things. Zuzmo took an interest and lissened to her sad story. As it turns out, she got some kind o' plague sickness, and that sickness was makin' her skin turn all black and dead. This alchemist feller took a likin' to her and she thinks they're all in love and such nonsense. 'Course, when he asks her if she's willin' to undergo an operation for fixin' her up right, well, I reckon she just about cried herself silly. Surpris'd you might be to hear this, but our old alchemist friend turnt her into a horrible living dead thing. Turns out she's just been up in her room caterwaulin' bout how he don't love her no more and that he's losin' his mind. A sad story to be shur, but I ain't got much patience for the livin' dead. The dead s'posed to be in the earth where they belong.

So, I let Zuzmo finish lissenin' to the tale, and then it's my turn to pipe up. I kindly informed this lady that she was a terrible monster, and that she had a sad story n' all, and I shurly felt a sadness for her, but the only proper thing was to put her down like a proper lady. She din't seem to like that all that much, so I reiterated in a sterner fashion that she was an atrocity, and she could have herself a proper burial, or we could just be choppin' her horrible beast head off n' be on with it. That's when she blasted me in tha' face with a lot o' colors. I heard afterward that Ipmerk practically took her head clean off with a blast to the eye with that there pistol o' his. Poor lil' Zuzmo was already hurtin' as he used his healin' on other folks and one o' the skeletons knocked him down, so we had to use the last o' our healin' potions on him.

We investigated the large moss structure, and it spoke in your mind about the "Dark Rider comin." Zuzmo had a fun time playin' with it, but I din't like it one bit and made sure not to stick around too much longer.

We found this lil snake feller who had a goblin face - he was tellin' us he was a naga. Now, I ain't never heard o' no naga before, but I know you ain't irritate a rattlesnake when it's nestin' in a corner. This lil snake feller wanted some money for information. I s'pose it' s possible he was jez trickin' me, but I thought the money was well spent as he at least had some answers to things, even if he was a little weasel-y type. Folks were contemplatin' killin' the snake, which I didn't have much interest in, but then we got distracted. 'Round the corner we saw this almost dwarf lookin feller' runnin away. But a dwarf that had some sort o' weird warty disease and can't speak in no language I ever heard of, an' I can speak 5 languages! We try'n' get some information outta him, but he din't seem to be of dark intent, so we let 'im go.

We poked around a bit more, but low on potions, Zuzmo pointed out that we should prolly jez leave. We told them priests what we saw, but they din't have no additional answers for us.

There was a lil' antsy feller waitin' for us, or more specifically, waitin' for Sir Rayden. He said somethin' 'bout Sir Rayden's grandparents lookin' for him. As it turns out, Rayden's grandpappy is one o' the original founders o' the world link or somethin'! I ain't one to turn down hospitality, so I decided to 'cept the invitation.

Their manor is HUGE. There ain't no other way o' describin' it. Big ole' waste o' resources if ya ask me, but I ain't judgin or nothin', just commentin'. Rayden's grandmammy's a bit o' a wet rag though, all proper n' prayin' no nonsense lady, while the grandpappy jes seems to like makin' jokes n' tellin' tales. Well, the grandmammy ain't likin' animals in her house, n' Zuzmo tried' to explain that Tourniquet ain't no animal, he's a friend, but like I said, wet rag. So Zuzmo, Tourniquet, n' I are stayin' out in the stable. It ain't like them big fluffy beds are comfortable for me anyhow.

We went to services at Rayden's request, which were fine 'nuff but a lil dull. Then we went to dinner. At dinner, the entire world shook, an earthquake o' sorts. Bad omen, if ye ask me, but I'm guessin' no one's askin cause they already know. Nothin' happened though, so I'm jus writin' this before bed. I can hear Tourniquet croakin', which ain't exactly comfortin', but at least someone's watchin.'

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