Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Session 14-15ish

So wurr in this cavern n' we hear tha whistlin' n' singin' o' some big dumb feller. We prep ourselves for a fight, n' this big ole' ogre comes barrellin' round the corner with a minin' cart. He wuldn't fixin' fer a fight, so we set ta askin' him where we are. Turns out wurr in some sorta minin' camp. Suprise, suprise.

Well he takes us out them tunnels. I'm speculatin' 'bout why Aurora chose to drop us off here, I 'member we were all asked where we wanted to go "home" to. I reckon none o' us chose a tunnel un'nerneath the earth, so I ain't zactly sure what the confusion was 'bout there.

There's some dwarf feller who runs the camp, n' they got a punch more ogre types helpin' 'em out. I dun remember his name as its been a long time since we were there but he was a nice 'nuff feller. He pegged us fer adventurin' types n' asked us if we wanted to help him wit' a problem. Turns out one o' his humans n' a pair o ogres found some sort o' den of the dead un'ner the earth. The ogres took to callin' em "Unpunchables". One o' em fellers tried to punch a spectre o' sorts, n' it drained the life from him. The second ogre took to runnin', and the human, who you'd 'spect to be smarter than an ogre, took it upon his'self to go 'vestigating the situation. He managed ta' get away, but when we spoke ta him, he wuldn't in any real kind o' shape.

So fer some gold, and for the tin can paladin's conscience, we agreed ta take the work. I set about askin' if these fellers had any kind o' silver bars, and I proceeded to make some holy water vials, which the Tin Can Paladin blessed his'self. That felt like a wise decision, I reckon we'd have a bit o' trouble with an Unpunchable ourselves.

So we go ta this cavern, n' sure enough, this smoky ghostly figure comes flyin' outta the walls. He turnt' Rayden's blood cold n' sucked out a lot o' his strength. Fortunately, we had all sorts o' Holy Water ta throw in the critters face. Zuzmo also learned a new trick, where he summoned a trident spear o' sorts n' set about stabbin' folks with it. Since it was magic, it seemed to do the trick pretty well, n' it sliced through armor like it wuldn't nothin'.

We musta stumbled inta some sort o' burial ground as there were a few more shadowy critters, n' lots o' skeletons. Some o' them skeletons were TOUGH buggers. N' one o' the rooms there was an undead necromancer o' sorts. He had some strange shrine thing, after detectin' it for magic, we decided the right call was to pick it up n' throw it against the wall. So that broke. Other than that, I used my new trick to go invisible n' scout ahead, gettin' the drop on a few critters. We also found a trapped corridor leading to some sort o' ancient tomb, but we culdn't really tell what it was fer. Fer the traps, Ipmerk n' I did our classic "Ipmerk finds em', I take em' apart" maneuver. I ain't much good for findin' traps, but got a good hand for takin' em apart.

After collectin' our bounty n' havin' done our good deed, we waited a few days to rest up n' then departed back to civilization. Turns out, we were somewhere in the Northern part o' Dorius, which is where our adventures started in the first place. Mebe that's what Aurora meant by home...

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