Thursday, August 29, 2013

Session 1

Rode inta Barlo's Connection with Ipmerk and met a strange lil' feller on the street. He calls himself a "goblin" or some nonsense, but he's jes the lillest orc I ever set eyes on. Goes by Zuzmo. Oh yeh, he's also got a scrumptious lookin' giant frog named Tourniquet (s'posed to be elegant or somethin') who ain't for eatin'.

Had a tickle in my throat, so I went on search for cactus juice. Ipmerk's got eyes of a hawk, and noticed a sign where we can get some work. I'm runnin' outta Bootlick and got almost no cash, so we ask Zuzmo to join us. Turns out there's some bodies bein' taken from the Goddess of Death's 'spensive and fancy tomb of eternal heebie jeebies. Now, I ain't one for diving into places where the dead be resting, but Ipmerk was a pretty insistent fellow.

We got these three other people travelin' with us as well. One's a strange feller, the way he fights reminds me of the way some of the Zerkers would fight back in Suuldra but he's a city boy fer sure. Goes by Mr. Clount, or some nonsense, but seems like a competent enough feller. Nother' fellas also a city boy, wrapped up in a tin box so heavy I ain't even sure how he gets around from day to day. He's a follower of the Lord of Renewal, I reckon, from the giant flaming cock that adorns his cape. Generally, I 'spect folks like that to be bossy, but he seems like a pretty quiet feller as far as I can tell.

Then there's this woman. I dun't like her and I dun't trust her. She got this dark skin, darker than any skin I ever seen, and I'm a dark skinned fella. She got a lip on her too. Now, I ain't mind no lip, folks need to know when they deserve a piece of mind and all that, but she's just plain insultin' fer reasons I ain't even understanding. I 'spect she thinks she's better 'en all of us. Seems strong though. I reckon she's got magic blood of some sort, prolly some dark ancestry, certainly 'splains the skin color and the air of mystery. Dun even remember her name or if she even gave it. I'll be sleepin' with one eye open fer awhile.

In the middle of the night we were attacked by some sorta carrion beetle I ain't never seen before with skull markings on them thur carapaces. Ipmerk uses some kinda magical stick that makes a loud sound and a puff of smoke, and little critters just splode' all over the place. They got big mandibles though, I got shredded up by one, but turns out Lil Orc Zuzmo got some healin' powers within him. Recurring theme of the day is that I need to get some o' that fancier armor.

We rode into this valley with some kinda giant stone statues. Some folk sure put a lot of stake in how they internin' their dead. Inside we met a priestly feller, he seemed plenty fine. I ain't suspectin' him of foul play or nothin', but I certainly think them priests aren't payin' nuff attention to their own morgue. I found evidence of a room blasted open from the inside, and our resident Champion of Renewal said there was some dark lingerin' evil in thur.

We were given some sorta strange chime that's got 5 rings in it. Gotta remember that we got 5 rings or we gon' be trapped in this crypt for an eternity. That Champion of Renewal took it, which I'm happy enough with as he ain't seem like the type to leave us behind if he catch scurred. We also got some potions and holy water, which made me perk up n' all, so I asked the other fellers if they would be willing to pass it on to me, as I'm somewhat of a specialist in the hailing down furious liquid pain on critters that be deservin' of it.

So we goin' down this spiral staircase, and o' course, our two toughest fellers are in front and can't see in the dark. Suddenly, their light goes out, and they screamin' something about not bein' able to see, and next thing I know, this floating leather rag with claws is all over me! Gave me a good surprise n' all, but once I figured it out, I was managin' to duck outta the way and slice the critter to bits. Memory might not serve well, but none of the other fellers did much o nothin' to help me cause we were stuck on this stairwell. Worked out fine anyway, I jes was bleedin' a little.

We enter into some sorta room with these 3 big slabs. We try to move em' in all sorts o' ways but nothing is workin' so eventually we tried to use the chime on one of the doors. That did the trick. We started wandering down halls but there's tons of doors and halls! One corner of the hallway looks like something came burrowin' in, somethin' not very big or nothing, maybe some of them beetles. We found a few small rooms. I chucked some holy water down a zombies gullet and he combusted with religious fury. In the other rooms were strange depictions of holy folk and unholy folk and such. In one of them there was this hideous woman...thing, with an elongated bloody jaw. She ate some animal pretty recently in thur. I was trying to pick a lock on another one of those doors, immovable that door was!, while Ipmerk and his hawkeyes found a secret door. Course, on the other side was a skellinton with a full suit o' mail on. They really struggled with the fella, he was pummelin' em left and right! I kept on pickin' that lock coz I couldn't really get in that big ole' mess, but fortunately, that grey-skinned lady had some kind o' magical power that shook the bones to their very core.

The secret passage led into some kind o' large holy room with white (and one black) statues. I tried to figure out the purpose o' such a large chamber, but no such luck. No one else knew either. There's secret passages of multiple sorts leading outta that room, but they plum don't make sense to me. So far, they just lead into these small hall compartments. The one we investigated before taking a break has two ghouls in them. Our Paladin and that woman did most of the heavy liftin', but I threw in some holy water to help out a lil' bit. Guess'n we'll just have to see what's in the other compartments.

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