Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sessions 8 n' then some

A'right well it's been a while n' then some, both in reality and in perspective o' my time. The date on this journal is well o'er a year since my last writin', but to me it ain't felt more than a few weeks.

Maybe I should just go back to the beginnin'.

We were in Rosebay waitin' for the Dragon Festivities. Seertha went n' disappeared in a big ole magic library they had. I wen' in their m'self. Some interestin' stuff but it was a bit too big to be useful, if'n ye catch my drift. It was expensive too, I ain't got any idea how a place like that is capable o' stayin' open, I presume there's sorts o' illegal activities goin' on, but thas just my mind.

Some fellers bumped into our bald headed friendly ragin' barbarian, Mr. Clount, and he said he had some sorta weird feelin' they were there. We gave em' some chase but they disappeared on us, so ain't much else to say bout that. It's been awhile so I'm probably glossin' over sumotha details. But it ain't really matterin' jus' yet.

Well the Dragon Festival occurred, and the first part o' it was pretty interestin', more people in one place then I e'er seen in mah life to say the least. Problem was, some fellers were fixin' on killin'. One o' them parade dragons, fellers in them long dragon-lookin' clothes, threw off their guise and began attackin' random folk. Thing is, they had some little mini dragons wit 'em - lizards that probably were barely bigger than lil' Zuzmo and Ipmerk, but boy could they pack a fiery wallop. We killed them and then ran off to the sounds o' more screams, when we see four o' them running round an ally. We gave chase, and they had run inta a warehouse o' sorts. One o' em was riflin' through papers while we fought the rest o' em.

We cut the fellers down, n' I wanted to find out what, zactly, was worth causin' such a commupin o'er. Fellers that are willin' ta kill fer paper got somethin' pretty dark on their minds.

Well, knowin' that Zuzmo n' Rayden ain't got much o' a stomach for question askin' of fellers o' this sort, I let them off to see if there was'n any more trouble to be found. But I knew I already found the trouble. Mr. Clount stayed with me n' we woke one o' em fellers up. At first, he said he was just a mercenary o' sorts. I tried to scare the livin' daylights outta him with Clount's help, and so help me, if this feller were any sane man I think he woulda dropped a load in his pants on the spot.

Problem was, he wuldn't no mercenary, an' he wuldn't no ordinary man. He started ramblin' some crazy stuff about how death is comin'. Meanwhile, we're lookin' through them papers and we can't find nothin' of even partial relevance to what these unstable fellers mighta been lookin' for. We did find a meeting place and time on one o' them though. So at the least we had a lead.

Well, these fellers were fixin' on killin' so I did what I thought was best. Kill't them on the spot. I di'nt take no joy in it, but fellers like that just aren't fit to walk the streets o' pleasant folks. 'Course fate be'in the way it is n' all, Zuzmo n' Rayden came walkin' back in right 'bout that time. We had some words about it n' all, but there wuldn't no calmin' them. We ain't got no problem killin' em' and leavin' em' to die in the streets, but now that they were incapacitated they wanted to take 'em into the authorities o' somethin'. Right. Same folks who culdn't stop them poor spectatin' folks from bein' killed. When a camel has Desert Madness, ye ain't gonna dawdle around it, ye gotta put 'im down. Thas just how I reckon it should be. But what was done was done, and there ain't no changin' it. Jus' thinkin' ta mahself 'bout if'n it's gonna be a problem in the future. Ye don't get a second chance when you're evil to the bone. Not in m'book.

Well we still had a meetin' place that was hinted to.

Bein' the mos' regular lookin' feller, we had Clount go in to this lil' shop. I dun exactly remember if there was a password o' something, but somethin' told the feller that we were the bad sort, n' he pointed us to a door round the corner o' the street.

Bein' the meanest lookin' feller, I strolled into the compound. There was a big metal door o' sorts n' there were arrow slits facin' out inta the compound. The feller inside the door jus' wanted the paper that these folks were lookin' for. I offered him a piece o' regular paper n' when he reached out o' the slits in the door, I made a grab fer his arm. It was a good idea, but I was a bit too hasty in tryna grab him n' he pulled his arm back and started hollerin' to his friends that it was a fake.

That upset me. So I took to drinkin' down mah Rage Juice. Meanwhile, the rest o' the crew started fillin' into the courtyard - Ipmerk even got a shot off straight through one o' them arrow slits! I was a bit focused to notice though, there was a door in the way. I grabbed it by the edges and ripped the whole thing right outta the wall. The fellers inside di'nt 'spect that none, so we gave em' poor fellers a solid beatin' for forgettin' that walls can't keep you safe from me when I'm perturb'd.

This buildin' led to an alley where we had to cross the street over ta another buildin' with a door on the second floor n' a ladder on the roof. Ipmerk crept across n' opened the door, n' we came crashin' in by jumpin' cross the way. They had some little kids that were caged up in there, they ain't had much to say n' were pretty scared o' just bout everything. I insisted on pushin' on, just in case any fellers were escapin' out the back. Turns out instead there was a feller in an office. Well, not a feller exactly. He had four arms, 'parrently some sort o' ganglord outta the place where Clount's from.

Well he encased me in some sorta magic bubble n' asked Clount to come sit by him. Rayden charged him, but he took Rayden down with some giant two handed weapon. So he was a fighter n' addition to bein' some kind o' powerful spellcaster. After stabilizin' Rayden, him n' Clount had some sort o' civil conversation. I di'nt like that much, like I said, when yer evil to the bone there's a problem with yah in m'book. Fellers who keep caged children fall into that category. After him n' Clount talked some, he just teleported out. I think he told me I wuldn't welcome in his city, but I ain't much for lissenin' to four-armed fellers.

Well, if things culdn't be much worse, shit wes jus' about to come flyin' outta the camel's ass. The weather turned for th' worse and this big ole' maelstrom was comin' straight for the city. Inside that maelstrom was some sort o' Leviathan, they called it. It came crashin' into the city and appeared to do on the shores. One o' its huge necks landed near us. All it's scales started movin, and turns out them scales were some sorta strange bug creatures that wanted to kill us. So we were movin' into a tactical retreat cuz there's bout a million o' these lil' sucker. Then one o' em was comin' up behind us, but this lil' feller was white instead o' the darker color o these others. N' they hated each other.

We were runnin' through the streets tryna escape when we bumped into a whole cadre o' them white ones and some strange tall white woman, who was made outta all sortsa weird shapes n' angles. She created some sorta bubble that kept the bad buggers at bay, n' was 'splainin to us that she could get us outta there. Somethin' bout Aurora bein' trapped under the ocean, but she di'nt have much else to say that wuldn't bout as cryptic as they come.

She offered us the chance to make it out by boat or by magical orb. I was a bit panicked, n' I di'nt quite catch that last part. I thought she wanted us to take this magical orb with us out onto the boat. Turns out I wuldn't one for lissenin' very much that day at all.

Well we did some crazy warpin' effect, n' we woke up on some beach somewhere. Well, 'cept we were also in some sorta big dome. We kinda reckoned after awhile that we were in a bubble under the ocean, which actually makes sense as we'd been told Aurora sleeps under the ocean. And I guess the next part, well thats' for next entry.